Sunday 3 July 2011

A Little Background

Who am I? That is a question we ask ourselves all the time and until we can answer that question we are never truly happy, with the way we look, the way we dress, what we do with our lives and most of the time how we feel. I have no idea who I am! I can tell you a little bit about me and maybe one day I will tell you who I am.

I am 17 years old and I live in a tiny village in Oxfordshire England. I work in a hotel as breakfast superviser. I love my job and the people I work with, but its not my dream. In February I am going stateside to the New York Film Academy in Los Angeles to study Film Acting, now that is definately my dream! I enjoy writing, but havent done it for a long time so I thought I would start.

But that's just the basics, my life is complicated, and confusing, sometimes I wish I could step out and press the pause button, but there arent any luxuries like that unfortunately.

The whole point of this blog is to get my feelings out to the world and any questions I have and maybe someone, somewhere will be able to help me. I am a teenager and having more problems than anyone else I no, and no one close to me understands. Maybe bloggers are my answer and will help me come closer to answering the question, Who Am I?